PRO mode!

The first step to becoming a PRO is to access the BlenderNC node editor on the top left corner (drop down menu) and select BlenderNC:

BlenderNC editor

Next, create a new editor on the middle top of the workspace:

BlenderNC new editor

Finally, add the basic nodes by pressing (shift + A) and selecting Shortcuts > Create Basic Nodes:

  • Path node

  • Input node

  • Resolution node

  • Output node

BlenderNC create nodes

Any data visualization requires at least these nodes.

BlenderNC basic nodes

Now you are ready to start loading datacubes. Let’s move to the first tutorial:

  • Import Gebco Data (WIP)

  • Animate Sea Surface Height Data (WIP)

  • Animated Ocean-Land Mask (WIP)

  • Composites (Ocean & Atmosphere) (WIP)